Apr 22Liked by Serena Sigillito

I hope the title and subtitle of this post are the working titles of this forthcoming book - so good!

As I became a mother (I'm about 8 years in) I found myself not resonating with any of the voices or narratives it seemed like I could pick from - from both church culture or secular culture. We truly need new ideas in this space that actually serve women (and families). I have three daughters too and I'm committed to modeling a motherhood for them that isn't based on some sort of syrupy idea of self-sacrifice and disappearing of myself as a person but also isn't self-centered and involves no growth or sacrifice on my part. There's so much nuance to explore here! So excited for you and for this project!

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Here for all of this. 🤍

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Love that you dared to whisper that motherhood is challenging. Love the artwork, might be a neat tattoo. An article about losing yourself in motherhood led me here. With 3 daughters and a son, I have lately been describing my role as “I am only in charge of nutrition and sanitation,” it’s demeaning and dismissive to the real truth of how important my role is. It’s much easier to quietly quit and just keep washing and sweeping and say, “I’m doing my best.” However, deep down I know I am not setting an awesome example for my children. There’s a lot of resentment shining through and reflecting in my younger daughter’s behavior. Thanks for laying out some of the feminism history and showing that…it’s a lot.

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Apr 22Liked by Serena Sigillito

@Haley Baumeister if you haven’t read this yet, I think it’s right up your alley.

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